My Favourite Books of 2023 & Exciting Tales for 2024

My Favourite books of 2023 and exciting tales for 2024!

Well, here we are again! We’re coming near to drawing 2023 to a close, and with that us bookworms start looking over the books we have read for the year.

This is a process I really enjoy, and although I have not had a lot of time for blogging in the recent months,  I just had to make the effort to write about the books that have really made an impact this year.  

To my surprise, this year I still managed to read 100 books, though my reading plans went right out the window!  I pledged to read a Brandon Sanderson each month, but the last book I read for this challenge was back in August.  This doesn’t exactly come as a  surprise, September is where everything became quite difficult and overwhelming at work, and I spent a lot of my spare time looking for a new job. I am happy to report that I  have had some success, and I am starting a new job in February!  New Year-new starts….and with new starts, this year’s reading challenge is going to be to read a Robin Hobb book every other month.  I intend to start this with The Assassin’s Apprentice.  Everyone raves about Robin Hobb books, and with me being such a fantasy fan, I must give her books a go!

Another promise I made to myself was to read one non-fiction book each month, which again, unfortunately I have not done.

But, I worry not, reading is meant to be a fun experience, and I am just so happy that I kept reading regardless of what genre it was.  

So without further ado, here is a list of my favourite fiction books I read in 2023:

Yellowface by R F Kuang

Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher

Sixteen Souls by Rosie Talbot

House of Sky & Breath by Sarah J Mass

The Stolen Heir by Holly Black

Belladonna by Adalyn Grace

Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix

Tress of the Emerald Sea & The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa

This Summer’s Secrets by Emily Barr

A Darker Shade of Magic by V E Schwab

Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

True Beauty by Yaongyi

Each of these books left me completely captivated, and left me thinking about them days after I had finished them.  In fact,  I can almost say these books left me in a little reading slump, as I missed reading them so much!

I also discovered some fantastic manga is 2023, which I am still currently reading!  I am looking forward to continuing these in 2024.

These are:

Demon Slayer by Koyoharu

Attack On Titan by Hajime Isayama

Solo Leveling by Chugong

Spy Family is also ongoing, and I am loving this also!

I have a special feature up my sleeve for this year, which I look forward to sharing with you all in January, if you want to be kept up to date with this, keep an eye on my instagram for early seek peeks! 
At the moment all I can say is yes it includes books, and also another love of my life, crafting!  I am very excited about this.

But I know the question you are all eagerly awaiting an answer for, and that is Tammy, which was your absolute favourite book of 2023….well I have to say without a doubt it was….

THE BONE SEASON by Samantha Shannon. 

I adored it!  Although it was a long book, I sailed through it, and did not notice its length in any way, and if I had the second book I would have picked it up immediately, but alas I do not.  I was thinking about going out and buying it, but I decided I would wait until May 24 when the revised editions are hitting shelves!

I hope 2024 brings you lots of good reading, and I look forward to discovering, and sharing lots of new reads with you all.

Take care, and until I blog again, keep reading…

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