Bookish News From January 2024!

Bookish news from January so far!

Well, here we are thirteen days into January already!  I have finished one book so far, Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross.  Although it took me a few chapters to get into, I really enjoyed it.  It was very clever, a concept that was new and refreshing.  The characters were great, and the ending was nothing like I expected! It was a fantastic start to reading in 2024.

I have decided this year, not to be concerned with numbers, but to allow myself to enjoy those big chunky books, which we often buy with the intention not to read, but to use as a door stop.  I haven’t read a lot of large books, but the ones I have- I have enjoyed immensely.  I feel that the size gives the author time to develop their story, and add to the world building, which I so enjoy.  With this in mind I began to read a series I was sure I would enjoy…. The Kingkiller Chronicles ‘The Name of the Wind’.  But, I have to say I am struggling a little,  the problem being, we left the beginning story to start learning all about our main character, who is now explaining their life story.  I am a little disappointed. I really want to go back to the demon spiders, and learning all about where they came from.  I was really craving a fantasy full of fairies, dwarfs and goblins, but this is currently not hitting the mark.  I also feel like I am too far in to abandon it.  Not only that, I have the other books here to read too.  I confess I have put it down for a moment, and started another mammoth book-The Fellowship of the Ring-a film I adore, and a book I have been meaning to read for years, my only hope is that I will continue The Name of the Wind, once I have finished it.  I may also have picked up Slam Dunk volume 5 amongst all my reading anguish!  I hope to finish this today.  Slam Dunk has been a lot of fun, I just can’t over how much I am enjoying this manga, even though I am in no way sporty!

It hasn’t all been reading so far this month.  I have also begun embroidery!  I decided to give this a go after coming up with the idea of creating a reading log using embroidery.  The inspiration for this came from a book called 365 days of Stitching by Steph Arnold.  If you wish to follow this adventure, and keep up to date with the symbols I use, please do follow me on Instagram!  I am also stitching a bookcase, and some cute little bugs!!  More of this to follow soon, so be sure to subscribe to my blog, and instagram!

I hope you have all had a great start to your 2024 reading year!  I look forward to finding out what you have read!